General Safety Plan
J. T. RUSSELL & SONS, INC. believes that safety is a major factor in operating an efficient and productive construction company. An effective safety program will prevent injures to employees, loss of job production and reduce down time of equipment. It will lower insurance cost, help prevent law suits, OSHA fines, and make the company more productive. The management of J. T. Russell and Sons, Inc. recognizes the importance of providing all employees, vendors, and sub-contractors with a safe and healthy working environment.
New technology and methods combined with ever-changing regulations demand that a safety program be an on-going, always improving part of any construction company. Since every possible act or situation that an employee may be involved in cannot be foreseen, this policy cannot be all inclusive. Therefore, just because a certain act is not prohibited by this policy does not mean that it should be considered safe.Safety Also, there may be circumstances under which the procedures laid out in this policy prove not to be the best or safest way to accomplish a task. Good judgment and safety knowledge and experience on the part of each individual employee must ultimately be the best safety program any company could have.
J.T. RUSSELL & SONS, INC. strives to maintain safe working conditions for all of its employees. The Company shall furnish to each of its employees employment and a place of employment which is free from recognized hazards that are causing or are likely to cause death or serious physical harm to its employees, as stated in the OSH Act of 1970 Sec. 5, and shall comply with the occupational safety and health standards promulgated under the Act. Each employee shall comply with the occupational safety and health standards, and all rules, regulations, and orders issued pursuant to this Act which are applicable to their own actions and conduct. No employee will be required to work under conditions that are known to be dangerous or unsafe. The employees at J. T. RUSSELL & SONS, INC. should be in a position to recognize a potential danger. Therefore, any employee who recognizes a danger has an obligation to report it to his Supervisor. If an imminent danger exist (falling tree, unsafe ditch bank, explosive, moving equipment, etc.), the employee is expected to remove himself and any others from the danger immediately.
The company will provide the training as is appropriate for the job at hand. This training will be repeated as deemed necessary or as the job situations and regulations change. Each employee will be given initial training in General Construction Safety and other topics as deem necessary.
J.T. Russell and Sons, Inc. Safety Philosophy
We hold employees at every level responsible and accountable for the company’s overall safety performance. Our occupational health and safety philosophy is defined by the following elements:
- Safety is the utmost priority. No job is so important that it should be done at personal risk.
- Employees are the most important resource of J. T. Russell and Sons, Inc.
- All accidents and injuries are preventable.
- Working safely is a condition of employment at J. T. Russell and Sons, Inc.
- All employees are expected to look out for each other and have the power to question and stop a coworker if they are working unsafely.
J.T. Russell and Sons, Inc. Safety Goal
Our goal is an injury and accident free workplace. To accomplish this goal, J. T. Russell and Sons, Inc. will make every effort to:
- Identify hazards, assess, and control the risks of all types of work activities that have the potential to produce personal injury or occupational illness.
- Continually improve safety to reduce the risks of injury, illness, accidents, and incidents.
- Provide instruction, training, and supervision to improve every individual’s understanding of workplace hazards, including safe work practices, and emergency procedures.
- Ensure that everyone including vendors and sub-contractors complies with the appropriate standards and workplace directions to protect their own and others health and safety at work.
- Ensure that our occupational health and safety policy is documented, implemented, and maintained.
- Ensure our occupational health and safety policy is communicated to all employees of the Company, and they are made aware of their individual occupational health and safety obligations.
- Make our occupational health and safety policy available to interested parties.
Periodically review our occupational health and safety policy and our entire occupational health and safety management system to ensure that it remains relevant and appropriate to J. T. Russell and Sons, Inc.
All managers and supervisors are responsible and accountable for the safety of employees, vendors, and sub-contractors and company property under their control. Managers and supervisors are also responsible for ensuring all regulations, procedures, and safe work practices are followed at all times.
Any and all other policies and procedures must support and comply with this policy.

Contact Us
221 Snuggs Street
Albemarle, NC 28001
Phone: 704-982-2225
Fax: 704-986-2270
EEO/AA Policy Statement (pdf)
Discrimination Complaint Procedure (pdf)